Low Sperm Count: Understanding the Causes and Considering Solutions


The initials of low sperm count are LSC and that condition is called oligozoospermia. It is a state that a man has difficulty achieving fatherhood as there are diminished number of sperm in his semen. However, in order to subjugate this issue, it is wise to first determine the factors that could have contributed towards this condition. So, Let us understand it in more deeper.

What Is Low Sperm Count?

Normally, for men to be termed as healthy, their sperm count density should sit somewhere between approximately 15 million and 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. Anything less than this stipulation is deemed unsatisfactory. That being said, it would not be as easy for a majority of men so that figure could make quite the difference.

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Causes of Low Sperm Count

Medical Conditions 

  • Genetic Disorders: Medically, this immediately puts Klinefelter syndrome at the forefront as one of the major causes of low sperm count.
  • Infections: Penile and Prostatitis could also be responsible as both of them lead to a deficiency in the amount of sperm present.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Issues that reside with testosterone, in particular are known to have drastic impact on the sperm count.

LifeStyle Related Factors

  • Smoking: The lowering of testosterone that follows with such activities lowers the chance of children to a more than considerable extent.
  • Stress: The impact of continual stress shipment on hormone equilibrium results in a low sperm count 
  • Obesity: Being overweight affects fertility able to alter hormone concentrations.

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Environmental Factors 

  • Exposure To Toxins: Chemicals, pesticides and even heavy metals can damage the male sperm cell.
  • Heat: The effects of high temperature when obtained for a long period of exposures such as saunas, high sperm production might drop.

Some Other Causes

  • For example, hormones and some medicines are also taken for extended periods of time.
  • usage of substances like drug use or methamphetamine. 

Symptoms of Low Sperm Count

  • Women Not Able To Conceive
  • Low libido
  • Erection Problems Such As Erectile Dysfunction 
  • Pain Or Swollen Around The Testicles 

Remedies for Low Sperm Count

Changing Lifestyle 

  • Balanced diet: Include vitamins E , C, and antioxidants in the diet as they assist in enhancing the reproduction health of the sperms 
  • Work Out More: Exercise boosts testosterone production in the body and increases fertility levels in men.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol: This raises testosterone and lowers estrogen levels, thus pulling up sperm counts substantially. 
  • Stress Management: Tension relief through yoga or any other relaxative work. 

Medical Treatments 

  • Surgery: In case of varicocele, surgical procedures are carried to increase sperm production in the male. 
  • Hormonal Therapy: Hormonal therapy appeals to medication or injections to restore sperm count. 
  • Antibiotics: Administering medication to eliminate bacteria that meddle with sperm cells.

Natural Remedies

  • Herbal Supplements: The use of fenugreek, ashwagandha, and maca root have been shown to help with fertility enhancement.
  • Adequate Sleep: It is important to aim for 7–8 hours of quality sleep each day for hormone balance.

Avoid Environmental Risks

  • Do not over expose yourself to chemicals and toxins when not necessary.
  • Do not apply excessive heat to the groin area.

When to See a Doctor

If you have been trying to get pregnant for one year without success or if you experience pain, swelling or imbalance of the hormonal levels, see a fertility expert. The chances of getting pregnant would increase if you get the problem diagnosed and treated early.


While low sperm count may seem a common problem, it is reassuring to know that it is quite manageable with the right measures. It is vital to understand the reasons and do everything possible to increase infertility in men. Today when there are possibilities whether it is change in lifestyle, in medication or going on alternative medicine there is hope for those who face this problem.

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In case of any complication, it would always be advisable to inform a professional and take steps that would improve your reproductive health.